Is it about time that you get your soul upgrade?
*Recover and heal from Toxic Relationships so you can call in your soul partner in 2025
*Sign up for this Masterclass and finally own your worthiness, your solid sense of self, your value, and your soul partner.
*Develop the clear and badass boundaries with yourself and others so that you will never again tolerate disrespect or any form of abuse in any of your relationships.

- Do you recognise in yourself a low self esteem? Do you experience lots of self-doubt when you are considering going after what you really want in life?
- Did you have a critical and domineering parent who was very controlling and made you feel like no matter what you did you were never good enough?
- Did you grow up in a family dynamic where you felt the need to prove yourself academically or in other ways to be worthy of love?
- Did you learn unhealthy ways of conflict management like stonewalling or silent treatment from your family of origin and in adult you are afraid of conflict?
- Did you end up turning to substance abuse to try and numb the feeling of not really being loved and valued by your parents or caregivers?
- Have you experienced bullying multiple times in your life and does that make it challenging for you to stand up to bullies in your life now?
- Do you struggle to believe that you can really have what you want in life: success, love, money or other things?
- Do you struggle with a need to please people and keep them happy rather than tell then what you really feel or think when they behave in ways that upset you?
- You have experienced some painful breaks in your family relationships and you don’t know if it’s you or them or what to do to repair the bonds
- You desperately want to have healthy friendships and relationships where you are able to communicate clearly and feel heard, seen and respected but you still struggle with this

How these underlying Dynamics may have Manifested in your Life?

- Toxic relationships
- Continually attracting the same partner with a different face
- A lot of narcissistic people in your life
- Unable to really receive compliments or criticism because sense of self is so fragile
- Fear in social settings at introducing yourself and a feeling of being inferior to others
- Fear at ‘putting yourself out there’ and going after the opportunities or jobs you would like to go after
- Don’t trust yourself or the people you are in relationship / friendship with
- Addiction to social media or to substances
- Overeating to numb feelings or undereating to have a sense of control in life
- Not exercising enough because of lack of self-discipline
- Confusion and doubt about your life direction
- Struggle to own your own voice, stand up for yourself and ask for what you want
Things Can Change and You Can Have a Whole New Experience of Life
- You can grow stronger in your self belief and in your worthiness of everything good in life
- You can heal from the pain of regret, shame and guilt from the past
- You can step into a new level of sovreignty and start creating the life you want
- You can believe in yourself to go after the opportunities your heart desires
- You can call in a love which is safe, reciprocal and honours and respects the person who you have become
- You can be a light for others and a leader, showing the way through your authenticity
- You can have healthy boundaries and call people out when they cross them
- You can let go of all and any friendships and relationships that feel out of alignment, disrespectful, unloving or exploitative
- You can dig out those old dreams from the cupboard and start moving in the right direction to bring them out into the world!
- Yes, YOU CAN! Change your mind, change your thought processes, heal and process stuck and stagnant emotions and things will change.

Join BECOME THE ONE to set yourself up for a new story in 2025
Who am I to Help you with This?

My name is Michelle Elise Taffe, and I’m aslo known by my artist name AKASHA LOVE. My life’s journey has taken me around the world to many centres for healing, contemplation and meditation, where I have dived deep into many different practices and modalites for self transformation and self realisation. I have faced my own shadow more times that I care to admit and I’ve been through my fair share of dark nights of the soul. I see myself as a healer and way shower, and some of my tools include my Yoga and Meditation practice (I’m a qualified and experienced teacher in both of these modalities) and also my creative practice as a musician and artist. I have led multiple Radical Self Love retreats in Bali and Australia and guided many workshops on the themes of Inner Alchemy, Self Love and Self Realisation.
I have been working deeply on unravelling my own patterns in attracting narcissistic and unavailable partners, mainly by recognising the parts of me which have also been unavailable for deep love and connection. I see the other as a mirror, so even though I am not the same as the other (not narcissistic, for example) I recognised some similarities which are the level of emotional availability which I have and in this workshop I will be sharing with you everything I know about becoming truly emotionally available to oneself and others.

Some of the causes of trauma (leading to Self Abandonment)
- Emotionally neglectful or distant parents
- Experiences of bullying at school or in a family
- Being compared with your siblings
- Brought up as latchkey kids – no parent was home when you got back from school
- Being sexually abused by immediate or extended family
- Witnessing parents fighting regularly
- Having teachers tell you you are worthless or will never amount to anything
- Being discriminated against because or race, height, body weight or a disability / neuro-divergence
- Not being celebrated / honoured by your parents or your school
- Growing up in a very religious or otherwise controlling environment
- Losing a child through abortion or miscarriage
- Cut offs in family relationships

Are you ready for your Soul Upgrade?
Are you ready to do the work of clearing past wounds, diving into your inner child, healing the hurts of the past so that you create a new level of worthiness within you? A level of worthiness that says you are deserving of calling in your soul partner?
Then join us for this 2 Hour Masterclass where you will receive:
- 2 hours on Zoom (5pm – 7pm Bali time)
- A grounding and “Return to Self” guided opening ceremony
- How to Heal from Codependency by bonding with yourself
- A simple and easy “Badass Boundary” practice
- A Self-Love Manifesto that will repel toxic people from your life
- A clear guide to what safe love feels like
- The essential steps to call in your soul partner
- Q + A Session and closing ceremony
- An invitation to a Special BETA course
- FREE Recording will be available shortly after the event for anyone who can’t make it
Save your spot at Heal and Reset for 2025 // for only AUD: 15$*
This is a 2 hour session on Zoom on January 29th from 5pm – 7pm Bali time.
*Terms and Conditions: There are no refunds available for this class once purchased.
All Rights Reserved AKASHA LOVE 2025 | |