30 + Hours of Recorded Meditations + 3 Live Sessions Monthly


Soul Alchemist Collective

A Sacred Container to heal and grow in community together

Your YOU-NIQUE Destiny is calling you

Are you looking for a place to connect with like-minded others of a spiritual path? A place where you can get the support you need through yoga classes, and workshops to helps you align with your higher self? Our world is changing rapidly and so are you. You are evolving into the powerful most authentic YOU you are destined to be. Now is the time to get support to show up authentically and be you, whoever you are right now. The Youniverse Portal is where it all comes together. Join us today and let’s practice yoga, heal and rise up together. 

Youniverse Portal

Step into the YOUNIVERSE Portal Today

You are here on this Earth at this time for a reason. And you are reading this page for a reason. It's time to connect your Spirit Energy with your Physical Energy and become the creative powerhouse you were always meant to be. In the vortex of the transformation that is going on world-wide right now, you are awakening your divine soul and inviting your divine essence to bring the healing to the planet that's needed more than ever right now. This is your call to take yourself seriously and commit to radical self-care and radical self-love through joining this community, where you will find ongoing yoga classes and spiritual teachings to uplift you and help you align with your higher self daily.

How would you feel if you were

CONNECTED with a deeply supportive community of women who have got your back. You are no longer flying solo.

COMMITTED to yourself to make that thing happen (book, movie, art project, job, business), no matter what. You will not give up on yourself or your dreams.

DEVOTED to your soul’s purpose and calling. You recognise your work is sacred, just as you are sacred.

ACCOUNTABLE to the group as well as to yourself to make that  dream a reality. You have a team in spirit and in body who are here to help you stay accountable to yourself.

SUPPORTED by regular weekly and monthly yoga classes and workshops to inspire and fuel your creativity and your full soul’s expression?

INSPIRED in a sustainable way to pursue your goals until the end (publication, release, launch, etc.) because you feel supported in a container of like-minded people on a similar healing, and envisioning journey


It's all possible in the YOUNIVERSE Portal!



"The retreat gave me the opportunity to reset and begin the rest of my life. Commencing the day with meditation is amazing.  So calming.  Let everything go and start each day fresh.  Follow up meditation with yoga to get your mind and body feeling strong and refreshed.  Complete focus on yourself."
Jenny Daborn
Jenny D
Radical Self Love Retreat, Bali,
"The session was incredibly beneficial. Michelle possesses a remarkable ability to interpret the cards, and she offers a wealth of inspiration when posing questions and providing clarification. I am deeply appreciative of this experience, and without a doubt, I intend to return for more readings. A heartfelt thank you, Michelle."
Anne P
Anne P
Tarot Client, Akasha Retreat, Romania, 2023

I created the YOUNIVERSE PORTAL because

I believe that we all need community to help sustain us through the good and the bad times. Thanks to remote working and living, many of us are scattered around the world, and are lacking the kinds of communities we would like in the physical world. So, I wanted to fill that gap with this beautiful virtual community, which can be a space of safety, connection, support and understanding, wherever you are at physically.

Disconnection from self and others is the cause of many of our problems. And though we live in the era of free messaging apps and social media, it hasn’t necessarily made us feel closer to each other.

The eternal practices of yoga and meditation can help us to reconnect to ourselves time and time again, slowly growing our practice so that it becomes that place where we really feel ‘at home’ no matter where we are physically or geographically. 

Creative practice also helps us to align and atune with our souls, so that’s why we combine our presence practices (yoga and meditation) with creative practices. Every session connects us with our hearts, with our minds, and with others.   

These healing practices are a powerful portal into the inner world of spirit and creativity. Spiritual practice and creative practice are in a synergistic relationship and one cannot exist without the other.

With the support of my Spirit Guides, the Sacred land of Bali and my Teachers and Communities worldwide, I am combining Yoga, Healing and Art and Empowerment together into one place – The Youniverse Portal.

I look forward to welcoming you into this sacred space for soul healing, growth and transformation.


~ Akasha Chelle 

Now it's time for you to step through the door


You are invited into the Youniverse Portal


This is a virtual community space where you can find inner peace and inner transformation as well as connect with your creative power so that you can bring your beautiful gifts out into the world.

This is the place where you will deepen your spiritual connection with all that is (the true source of your creativity) so that you can find fulfillment in your creative work and shine your light in the world.

Flower 4

Here's How it Works

The Youniverse Portal

The Youniverse Portal meets you where you are on your spiritual journey with a smorgasbord of offerings, including Yoga Classes, Live Art Jam Sessions, And Soul Alchemy Masterclasses to de-stress, inspire you and uplift you. 

In addition to the live sessions you have 24/7 access to a library of pre-recorded audio meditations on themes of spirituality and creativity, and relationships and two powerful online courses (one has been taken by 2500+ people on the Insight Timer meditation app).

Each month from January to September there will be a LIVE Masterclass around a specific theme aligned with the YOUNIVERSE Calendar for 2024 to guide your creative/life process (on or near the date of the New Moon). 

Each month there will also be 2 Live Yoga Classes (recorded for if you miss them). And every second month we will also have a Live Creative Art Session. 

Connecting with the others in this community is such an important part of the process so that’s why we also have 24/7 private and secure forums and messaging (exclusive to the web platform – not on social media).

In November we will have a break from the LIVE Sessions in order to focus on our our end of year goals and in December we will do a Year in Review Workshop.

Themes Included are:

VISION ~ Channel your higher self to connect with your creative visions

SACRED CONNECTION ~ Connect deeply with your inner self through yoga, meditation and other techniques like Reiki and alchemise negative thoughts into positive, self-supporting, self-affirming thoughts

HEALING  ~ Discover and heal any blocks to your creative work including identifying your deepest dominant thought (such as ‘it will never work’)

COMMITTMENT ~  to producing your work and birthing the next version of yourself, according to your intentions and goals. This space is a space where you will be held accountable to what you commit to do. 

ABUNDANCE ~ You are encouraged to move into a mindset of abundance in money, connections and collaborations with your work

What people are saying

The Tarot Session with Michelle was a mixture of confirmation, reminder and guidance that I really needed. With the blessing that I felt during the session Michelle conducted with ease and inspiration the processing just naturally made sense. I truly recommend you be 'accompanied' by Michelle through this experience if you are open to embrace the guidance from the Universe.
Tarot Client, Akasha Retreat, Romania 2023
Michelle is also a great yoga and meditation teacher; she is patient, communicates very well, and demonstrates yoga practice and meditation on both spiritual and physical platforms, in a connected, calming, supportive and inspiring way. I would really encourage individuals who wish to explore and develop self love , as well as to enhance their yoga and meditation techniques, to attend one of Michelle’s RSL retreats.
Kim B
Radical Self Love Retreat, Bali 2019

You will receive:

  • A Monthly LIVE Zoom Masterclass on the Theme of the month (120 minutes). In  November we will have a break from the Workshop) {value: $250}
  • 1 x LIVE Creative Jam Session each month for working on your creations in a group while chatting and sharing (90 Minutes) {Value: 90$} 
  • 1 x LIVE Emotional Alchemy Session (Embodiment Exercises and Sharing where you are currently on your LOVE / RELATIONAL journey of life). {Value: 60$}
  • *24/7 Access to a Library of Guided Meditations, Audio Journeys, Talks and Online Courses (recorded) to support your to make art, heal and alchemise your pain into your creative gold at your own pace {Value: $1995}
  • An Annual Review Workshop in December to look at how you did on making your dreams your reality and what you need to focus on for the next year {Value: $95}
  • Each month there will be a recommended pack of Recordings from the Audio Library which match the theme of the month. Think of this as your recommended Apple TV for Visionary Artist Healers for each month. 

Total Value: $2,490

You will also get access to a PRIVATE Community online (not on Facebook or other Social Media) where you can connect any time with the  other members of the Youniverse Portal via Private Messaging and Forums.

Schedule for October 2024

FREE SESSION: Sunday Satsang and Chat (45 mins); Sunday October 13th at 10 am EU time, 6pm Melbourne time, 4pm Bali time. This session will be a mix of talk, kirtan mantras accompanied by guitar and meditative spaces. This is an opportunity to find out what this community has to offer you before joining as a paying member.


LIVE EMBODIMENT SESSION: Yoga for Every Body (45 mins); Wednesday 16th October: 10 am EU time 6pm Melbourne time, 4pm Bali time

LIVE MASTERCLASS: Lessons from the Life of Sarah Bernhardt: Sunday 20th October: 10 am EU time, 6pm Melbourne time, 4pm Bali time

LIVE CREATIVE JAM SESSION: Self Love Mandala Creativity Session: Friday 25th October: 10am EU Central time, 6pm Melbourne time, 4pm Bali time


Here are some of the things I hope you will create as part of the Youniverse Portal

Your Book
A Book Of Poetry

Your First Album of Songs

Enter the Youniverse

A New Band

An Art Exhibtion

Here are two ways you can sign up to the Youniverse Portal today


Monthly Payment

Pay Monthly: $29 (AUD) per month 

(January 2025 this goes up to $49 per month)

  • 1 LIVE Masterclass per month on the Theme of the month (120 Minutes)
  • 1 LIVE Creative Jam Session – Art Making Session on Zoom (75 minutes)
  • 1 x Emotional Embodiment Session (60 minutes)
  • 24/7 Access to a library of Online Courses, Audio Journeys and Guided Meditations
  • 24/7 Access to Private Messaging and Forums members only

(You are free to cancel any time)


Annual Payment

Pay Annually: $290 (AUD) for the year (Two Months FREE!)

(January 2025, this goes up to $490 per month )

  • 1 x LIVE Masterclass per month on the Theme of the month (120 Minutes)
  • 1 x LIVE Creative Jam Session – Art Making Session on Zoom (75 minutes)
  • 1 x LIVE x Emotional Embodiment Session (60 minutes)
  • 24/7 Access to a library of Online Courses, Audio Journeys and Guided Meditations
  • 24/7 Access to Private Messaging and Forums members only

(You are free to cancel any time)

The Youniverse Portal is for you if:

  • You are excited and ready to step onto your Spiritual / Life Artist path (you don’t have to be a practicing artist to join this membership)
  • You are willing to devote at least 3 hours per week to the Portal
  • You want to be a part of an online connected, supportive community of like minded visionary women 
  • You are 100% committed to realising your goals and following your soul’s purpose

The Youniverse Portal is not for you if:

  • You don’t really want to put in the work required to heal old patterns that prevent you from realising your goals and dreams
  • You have no interested in healing, alchemy and transformation
  • You like to occupy the victim role in your life