Mentoring with Akasha Chelle

Are you seeking some guidance in your life? Feeling a little stuck or uninspired and not sure what to do next? Feeling like there is so much more to life but you don’t quite know where or how to find it?

Whether you are confused about a particular situation in your life, or whether you need some reflection on some painful dynamics or patterns you have going on, or just whether you are really wanting a bit of a sounding board for your ideas, mentoring can be a very empowering process where you can have an ally and supporter / cheerleader in your life’s journey. All of us need support, and sometimes, especially if we live alone and far away from some of our support networks, it can be even more important to get the support you need in other ways.

Why choose Me for your Coaching?

I have been on a long inner journey of my own that’s taken me around the world, seeking out spiritual teachers and teachings at yoga and meditation centres from Australia to Bali to India to Europe.

My deepest longing since childhood is to taste ‘enlightenment’ and what that is really about.

In 2020 at the beginning on the Pandemic, I was living on the North Coast of Bali in a tranquil garden setting, focusing on my painting and producing my first album of songs (a desire I had had since childhood). I got a ‘download’ that my spiritual name was Akasha Love and my rest of life purpose was to embody love for all beings and help others find love within their hearts for themselves and others.

I the end I believe ‘enlightenment’ is really all about this. It’s about loving self, others, and the world, in all its complexity and beauty. So my work with you is just supporting you in removing all and any barriers to love you have within you.

I am also a qualified Reiki Master. I have designed and taught my own Radical Self Love Retreats to many participants in both Australia and Bali. In my mentoring I will draw on all my own personal life experience to help you reflect clearly and with objectivity on your own life situations.

Want the longer version? Read that here on my website. 

NEW: 6 Week Women's Program

Starts March 1st, 2025

This March 1st, 2025, I am launching a BETA program called Become the One. This is a 6 Week Group Coaching program for women who are wanting to move from emotional self abandonment to emotional self sovereignty and self care.

Each week there will be a group coaching call, covering topics such as:

  • Codependency, dependency and interdependency
  • Boundaries and how to grow stronger and clearer ones<
  • The three foundations of healthy relationships
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Trauma (childhood or otherwise) healing through EFT and inner awareness

Click here to upgrade your subscription to join this program (Beta price is AUD $450), starting on March 1st, 2025.