Mentoring with Chelle

Are you seeking some guidance in your life? Feeling a little stuck or uninspired and not sure what to do next? Feeling like there is so much more to life but you don’t quite know where or how to find it?

Whether you are confused about a particular situation in your life, or whether you need some reflection on some painful dynamics or patterns you have going on, or just whether you are really wanting a bit of a sounding board for your ideas, mentoring can be a very empowering process where you can have an ally and supporter / cheerleader in your life’s journey. All of us need support, and sometimes, especially if we live alone and far away from some of our support networks, it can be even more important to get the support you need in other ways.

I am now opening up some limited places for Mentoring. I offer three month blocks for mentorship, and how it is designed depends on you and your needs.

This mentoring can be around professional or personal themes, or both. It depends on you. At the beginning of our process, I will ask you to fill out an onboarding form, in which I’ll ask you to specify what are your goals and desired outcomes for our sessions. This gives us a clear structure to work on as we explore your life themes together.

I am a spiritual guide and healer and I am available for mentoring and guidance on the following themes and subjects 

  • Healing from Codependency
  • Growing Boundaries for the Boudary-less
  • Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse
  • Developing a Relationship with your Inner Child
  • Breaking Karmic Cycles in Families
  • Identifying Family Dynamics and Dystfunctional Patterns
  • Emeshment and what this is
  • Recovering from People Pleasing behaviour
  • Stopping outsourcing your Self Worth to others in relationships

I also offer Tarot Readings 1:1 either 30 minutes or 60 minutes

Find out more at:


Why choose me as your mentor?

As well as being a qualified yoga and meditation teacher, I have an extensive life experience as a traveller and global citizen (I have lived in multiple countries and speak four languages), I have also worked in many different fields, both as an employee and a freelancer, plus I have spent a lot of time in personal retreat at ashrams and other spiritual centres around the world (four 10 Day Silent Vipassana Meditation retreats and many others). I have attended many workshops with spiritual teachers all around the world, and I am also a qualified Reiki Master. I have designed and taught my own Radical Self Love Retreats to many participants in both Australia and Bali. In my mentoring I will draw on all my own personal life experience to help you reflect clearly and with objectivity on your own life situations.

I am very experienced with many different techniques for self inquiry, including ‘The Work’ of Byron Katie, the non-duality method of looking at Who is speaking (who is it – which part of yourself), Louise Hay’s methods of investigating and clearing hidden beliefs about yourself, Carl Gustav Jung’s Archetypes for identifying the driving forces of your personality / character structure, the wisdom of the Tarot for calling in the divine guidance, and the wisdom of Eckhart Tolle and many more authors and experts in spiritual wisdom.

I also have an Arts Degree in English and Classics from Monash University, and have been a paid professional writer for many years. In my previous business, The Global Yogi – an online magazine profiling spiritual people, places and destinations around the globe, I regularly wrote many articles per month including features and interviews of different inspiring teachers. Why do I mention this? Because I think when you have worked as a writer, you have an enhanced ability to really see the connections between the events in our life and how the different people and eventualities weave into our life story. I find that my experience as a writer is invaluable in my ability to gain a deeper perspective and understanding of and to make sense of my own life, and to bring this ability into our mentoring sessions. 


It is my honour to form a part of your journey as your mentor.

My package is a three month Mentoring package, with sessions either every week or every fortnight. We will outline your objectives very clearly at the beginning, and orientate our sessions around these goals and objectives.

Like to see if we are a good fit?

Click here to schedule a 30 minute discovery session and I look forward to meeting you on Zoom! I have limited spots available for these during the month of July – on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If the available times don’t work for you, please send me a message on this contact form.